Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Technology experts explore the pitfalls, promises and impact of generative AI on expert witness work

By Collin Starkweather, Izzy Nelken, and Jey Kumarasamy

Without doubt, recent rapid advances in generative AI (Gen AI) technologies have captured the attention of the legal community as a wide range of legal professionals look to adapt their practices to an ever-changing legaltech landscape. These changes are also having a profound impact on the work carried out by expert witnesses who now must navigate and address a host of complex issues as a result of the emergence of GenAI.

In an article, Dos and Don’ts for GenAI in Expert Work, the authors explore some of the significant potential pitfalls confronting expert witnesses in an environment where GenAI tools have become ubiquitous. In clear and concise fashion, the article discusses potential applications of GenAI in expert witness work based on the current state of the art and anticipated near-term development in the technology. The authors also take a hard look at some of the caveats that arise when applying GenAI in an expert witness setting. Finally, the piece provides a comprehensive set of practical recommendations for best practices when using GenAI for expert witness undertakings.

To read the entire article, click here.