Title IV of the Dodd-Frank
Act eliminated the private adviser exemption and required hedge fund and other
private fund advisers to register with the Commission. The staff has been
monitoring the Form ADV applications of new advisers as they have been filed, noted
the Deputy Director, and believes that 48 of the 50 largest hedge fund advisers
in the world are now registered with the SEC.
In addition, hedge funds and other private
equity funds with at least $150 million in assets under management must file a
new Form PF. The information reported in Form PF will be used by the Financial
Stability Oversight Council to monitor risks to the Large private fund advisers must provide more detailed information than smaller advisers. Most hedge fund advisers must begin filing Form PF following the end of their first fiscal year or fiscal quarter, as applicable, to end on or after December 15, 2012. Hedge fund advisers, with at least $5 billion in assets under management attributable to hedge funds, must begin filing Form PF following the end of their first fiscal year or quarter, as applicable, to end on or after June 15, 2012.
Smaller hedge fund advisers will be required to file only
annually within 120 days of the end of their fiscal year. Large hedge fund
advisers will be required to file quarterly, within 60 days after the end of
each fiscal quarter.
Form PF may require voluminous data, cautioned the Deputy
Director, and hedge fund advisers may find that they do not maintain or collect
all of the information that is required. Much of the information may be located
in various places throughout the firm and some effort may be required to
collect and report the information. He thus suggested that hedge fund advisers
begin now to identify the sources within the business where the data resides,
determine how best capture such data, collect and compile the data, and assure
its accuracy.
Continuing down his checklist, the SEC official more
broadly urged hedge fund advisers to identify risk and brainstorm any factors
that create risk exposure for their clients and their firms. They should also
ensure that their employees are knowledgeable about their work and that the
adviser has sufficient expertise to oversee what goes on. Hedge fund
advisers should continue to update and train their employees about new rules
and procedures applicable to the firm and its products.
The Deputy Director asked hedge fund advisers to be aware
that SEC examiners may verify some or all of their assets and could reach out
to third parties and possibly clients in this process. In this regard, hedge
fund advisers should make sure that their organization has done adequate due
diligence in connection with third parties, including consultants and service
The official urged hedge fund adviser to get rid of silos
and open communication among divisions and offices where appropriate and
legally possible. While aware that in some situations barriers between certain
areas of a firm are required legally, he asked hedge fund advisers to identify
any situations where their interests may conflict with those of their clients
and ensure that these conflicts are managed and disclosed.
Similarly, hedge fund advisers should to ensure that they
have made complete and accurate disclosure about performance, arrangements,
fees, affiliates and affiliated transactions. Importantly, now that the JOBS
Act permits general solicitation under Regulation D, said the official, hedge
fund advisers should review marketing documents, client communications and
questionnaire responses to ensure information is accurate and not misleading. They
should also verify that fees are calculated correctly and accurately disclosed.
The advisers should make sure that they can trust the information, both
external and internal, upon which they rely.
Hedge fund advisers should also review client account
holdings for appropriateness and review trades for unusual performance relative
to peers and markets. They should also compare trades to restricted lists and
determine if trades were made ahead of publicly available news or research
With regard to complaints, hedge fund advisers should
ensure that their procedures provide adequate instructions on handling them,
and they should follow up to make sure that they have been resolved. The final
item on the SEC official’s checklist is for hedge fund advisers to check their
IT security to ensure that clients’ assets and information are not at risk.